Thursday, January 26, 2012

I don't get it.

I'm going to make a sitcom where actual nerds sit around and talk about how much they hate "The Big Bang Theory"

also...text is a good way of saying i spent no time on this and couldn't post the drawing by itself. day 9?


Garrett Hanna said...

hahahaahahaha agreed.

Lisa Tao said...

omg yea!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate that show i dont get how people find it funny

Anonymous said...

well i do :p !
I just love the sheldon character ^^

M said...

When I saw the thumb of this image I noticed an interesting silohuette. Did you intend it to be that way? Love the looseness of the drawing :D.

Ryan said...

@nad i have a lot of friends who really like it as well, i've just never been able to get into it. Sheldon was awesome in the muppet movie though.

@mindy it was a mistake, but maybe not to my subconscious...

Tyson Murphy said...

the boy scout rule of D's, ryan. great work.

Tyler Stott said...

I TOO am in agreement...

...nice pickle frog

Csaba Baity said...

i've just associated to Colorstar - Origination song :P

Unknown said...

I would feel better about that show if a giant wicker shuttlecraft were built and the cast and crew were placed inside it and burned alive. Like that could be an episode. The last one.